Industrial Bank Social Media Guidelines
Welcome! We’re glad you want to connect with Industrial Bank via social media to join the conversation, request information and share your experiences. We are currently using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to share information that is valuable to our community and to provide customer assistance.
We encourage you to take the following guidelines into consideration when engaging with Industrial Bank through any of our social media platforms:
Maintain private or confidential information. Please do not provide any of your specific account details or other personal information. For service-related questions or concerns, call (202) 722-2000 or visit a local banking center.
Use common courtesy and be respectful of others. If you disagree with the content, we’d like to hear from you; however, abusive, unproductive, offensive, or unlawful comments or rants will be taken down.
Disclaimers. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are owned by third parties unaffiliated with Industrial Bank. Industrial Bank is not responsible for the privacy or security policies at these sites or other third party sites that may be linked to.
Links to third party sites do not constitute an official endorsement. Industrial Bank may occasionally post or repost links to third-party sites when we think you’ll find the information useful. This is in no way an official endorsement of the individual, website or company.
Content shared with Industrial Bank may be reposted. We reserve the right to repost user-generated content that is shared with and directed to Industrial Bank through any of our social media platforms
Industrial Bank reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion.
©2017 Industrial Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC.